Update, finals and Cameron Floyd Band– Go check them out!


I know that it’s been almost a week since I have posted anything with words.

It’s finals week for me, so I haven’t had much time to write a post that will do any artist justice. Be expecting a blog post on Florence + The Machine, XO Man, and a few others once this week is over! I have, however, started up a Tumblr blog that basically has all the same posts as this one, minus the ‘Song of the Week’ and random shares. http://notesinthekeyofl.tumblr.com

Speaking of Tumblr, a group called the Cameron Floyd Band followed me on tumblr so I checked them out and I like them! So go visit their tumblr page and give them a listen! (on the right side of the page under the avatar) Also, go give them a ‘like’ on Facebook! Who knows? You may see a post about them later on!

CAMERON FLOYD BAND TUMBLR LINK: http://cameronfloydband.tumblr.com

CAMERON FLOYD BAND FACEBOOK LINK: http://www.facebook.com/cameronfloydband

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